2019 has come to an end and businesses are already closing sales for the year, and also making big plans for next year, 2020. But one important question businesses are to ask themselves when making these plans is, “Should we Lease a Printer in 2020?”.
Happy New Year – Ben
The idea behind leasing a printer for a business or corporate entity is mostly underrated and overlooked by a lot of businesses, but it should not be so. Business owners would need to lease copiers and printers come 2020, and if they don’t, they would only incur avoidable overhead costs for their businesses.
In this article, we would be explaining the reasons why businesses, especially small businesses and start-ups need to lease a printer in 2020 rather than buying.
Projected Business Growth:
Due to the level of growth which the technology industry is experiencing, buying a copier or printer for your business might not be a perfect option. When you lease a copier or printer from leasing a company, you stay up to date with technology, have a solutions provider, build business credit ( yes – read here for more info), and stop worrying about stuff that doesn’t matter to the growth of your business.
The good thing about leasing copier machines that are up to date is that you can compete with bigger businesses that already own these machines. Small businesses might not have enough credit to fund such machines, but with the help of leasing companies, they can lease these copiers.
On the other hand, if a small business chooses to spend more credit buying a copier or printer, they can’t tell how soon a better update would come out. Once an update is out, big businesses can easily acquire them, but small businesses might not be able to; hence making them unable to compete with the big boys in the industry.
When leasing a copier or printer, the upfront cost is lower, unlike buying them. Also, the cost of purchasing a desktop and supplies monthly is nearly double the cost of leasing a printer for a small business. You might not be aware of this, but now you are.
Leasing copiers and printers instead of buying them make small businesses more flexible and also make them save more money for other projects. Leasing copiers is an easy way to cut down the cost of starting or running a business.
Also, a lot of small businesses have limited access to credit, and leasing copiers is an easy way to avoid using it.
In summary, you don’t want to get into the new year sweating on the cost of running your business, where you can cut down the cost by simply leasing copiers and printers for your business. Also, for your business to go out and compete hard with the big names, leasing printers can give you an edge.
Get in touch with us today and we would provide you with the best copiers you need for your business.
Looking for actual prices? Go to our home page @ www.usacopierlease.com
The model below is our most commonly leased.
ABOUT USA Copier Lease
USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States.
We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee.
In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization assess your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to online@usamagnum.com
If you have read this far and are an IT organization looking for a Xerox Partner to pass referrals to, Contact us. We provide great incentives for copier referrals past.