How do leasing companies check for business credit?

By now, I want to believe that you know the advantages of a building business credit and you definitely know that businesses need credit to lease a copier. But again, how do leasing companies check a business credit? This might have run through your mind on several occasions, but this article would explain how they do so.

****BEFORE we jump into explaining to you how a leasing company checks your credit for a copier lease, we would like to take this moment to tell you that we are a Nationwide Dealer and can service your copier with same day/next day service anywhere in the United States. If you are looking for a different copier partner – please contact us at ***BACK TO ARTICLE***

Leasing companies can get to check a business credit through its Dun & Bradstreet number otherwise known as D-U-N-S Number; D-U-N-S stands for Data Universal Numbering System.

What is a D-U-N-S Number?

Your business’ Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is attached to your business in a similar way as your SSN is associated with your own credit report and financial assessments. The DUNS Number comprises of a 9-digit number and was made by D&B in 1963. This numbering framework is utilized to recognize a wide range of business associations, including government temporary workers.

The DUNS number is the most broadly utilized strategy for recognizing organizations in the United States. It assigns and keeps up forward-thinking data on in excess of 300 million worldwide organizations, starting at 2019.

Your DUNS number isn’t issued by an administration organization; it is doled out to your business by Dun and Bradstreet. Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) is a business that has practical experience in business reports. One of their progressively vital administrations is the gathering of information for business credit data.

D‑U‑N‑S Numbers are frequently referenced by loan specialists and potential colleagues to help foresee the unwavering quality and additionally money related strength of the organization being referred to. D-U-N-S, which represents information all-inclusive numbering framework, is utilized to keep up state-of-the-art and opportune data on in excess of 330 million worldwide organizations. The D-U-N-S Number additionally empowers distinguishing proof of connections between corporate elements (progressive systems and linkages), another key component of Live Business Identity and business chance appraisal rehearses.

The DUNS number gives data identified with an organization, for example, its official business title, name, money related information, exchange name, instalment history, monetary status, and official names. Further, the number enables an organization to scan for data about different organizations and enables organizations to discover potential clients, accomplices, or sellers. 

So, wrapping up here!
When a leasing company wants to check a business credit, they can easily do so by accessing the business financial status and data through its D-U-N-S Number.

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Call us.


ABOUT USA Copier Lease

   USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States.
We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee.
In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization assess your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to 

If you have read this far and are an IT organization looking for a Xerox Partner to pass referrals to, Contact us. We provide great incentives for copier referrals past.

2019 Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee Update

It is very important to us at USA Copier Lease that we provide the highest quality of service to our customers. One piece of that puzzle was Xerox’s Total Satisfaction Guarantee program.

This program allowed for the replacement of a Xerox device if the customer was not satisfied with the unit. However, this program was hardly used because once you go Xerox…you don’t go back. =) We have raving fans!

It seems now that the Total Satisfaction Guarantee program has ended. However, the device replacement program is still in existence. Meaning – If the Xerox is not operating like it should and it can’t be repaired, then Xerox will replace the unit with a model with similar specs. (Factory refurbished, certified, and acceptable for a maintenance plan.)

Here is the official release from Xerox:

Xerox has long provided to customers a Total Satisfaction Guarantee (TSG), which provided a device replacement remedy if the customer was not satisfied with the device’s function during the initial continuous term of the service agreement. Over time, improvements in product reliability have reduced the benefits of the TSG. Thus, we made the decision to retire the TSG program.

Although we will no longer promote the TSG as a program, it’s important that you and your customers understand that the customer continues to enjoy a device replacement remedy for equipment that we fail to keep in working order while the device is covered by a Xerox equipment service or maintenance agreement.

Have peace of mind and know that Xerox is still standing behind the longevity of their product line. Please contact us for more details!

ABOUT USA Copier Lease

USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox copiers dealer and our clients are across the United States. We can service and support your Xerox copiers anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee.

In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization evaluate your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to

Incompatible Toner Message on Xerox Copiers

Are you seeing the Incompatible Toner Message on your Xerox?Toner Incompatible Xerox Don’t stress. This message on a Xerox happens. I am going to break this down in two sections for you, one if you have a supplies contact and the other if you don’t.
I have a supplies contact
The Xerox Copier/Printer is telling me my supplies aren’t compatible.  This can be fixed. Here’s how: – Check to make sure these supplies came from your Xerox supply contract provider and not a 3rd party – like Amazon or Staples. * If they did not come from your service provider, then this is where your problem is. – Now that we have confirmed that these are from your service provider, there should be a software running someone in your environment on either a PC  or Windows Server. – Check to make sure this Xerox Device Agent software is up and running. * If you can’t find this software or can’t find it running – contact your Xerox Service Provider.  – If the software is running, make sure that it can see your Xerox Copier / Printer – Turn the Xerox completely off, use both power buttons (2nd one is located inside the door where the toners are located) – Wait 5 minutes after complete power off – Turn Xerox back on – Go to computer in which the Xerox Device Agent Software is installed and press the “Synchronize Now” button located on the left hand side – After Successful Synchronization, software should show the unit in question with a green check mark – The Xerox Copier should now display properly and all functions should return to normal. – If not, you will probably need to delete the printers from the software and re-add them and synchronize again. *This typically has to happen when the devices MAC address is changed after a device relocation.
I don't have a supply contracts
I bought my supplies from Amazon / Staples, why is it telling me? – Well you see, that’s an easy answer. This means one of two things – 1.  –  Your supplies are metered supplies or 2.  – Your Xerox is in metered mode. To Fix your metered supplies – Send them back. That’s really the only option. To Fix your metered Xerox – Call whoever you bought the machine from and tell them you need the Xerox to be in Standard Supply mode. This will usually result in a service technician to come onsite and switch the mode for you.  

Looking for a new Xerox?
Try this one for your small business=Xerox Versalink Copier Lease Picture

ABOUT USA Copier Lease

   USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States. We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee. In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization assess your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to 

If you have read this far and are an IT organization looking for a Xerox Partner to pass referrals to, Contact us. We provide great incentives for copier referrals past.