I had this question awhile back. With the rapid push to move everything to the ‘cloud’ and replace tangible objects with digital assets, I was interested in answering the question while focusing on the time principle. It wasn’t a clear definite, but more of a ever changing answer. It actually related to the core of belief on the question.
I personally think there will always be a place for printing devices. I do also believe that the technology is outdated and requiring a major upgrade. This upgrade comes in the form of innovation, and that is something all major manufacturers lack. They lack the ideas of their creators and focus on only the thing they are good at…which is usually counting.
Digital Signatures
Let’s take digital signing of documents into focus. This is a really neat feature that has come about recently that has sped up the amount of time it takes to have someone sign a document, or ease of signing is another way they put it. But let’s think about this for a minute, does this serve the person signing? Or does it serve the person asking for signature?
Now the signer has to find a way to print those documents to keep a personal record for themselves…o wait are you thinking that ‘they can just keep them in their email online.’ Yea, that’d be a great idea…for that moment. But what happens if they need that document to verify something? Well…then they have to print it and show it to whoever is asking. There’s that print thing again.
Okay, but maybe you say that that document was not as important and can be emailed to the person asking for verification. Sure…fair enough. But does the court of law allow that? Does a judge allow digital things sent or to be entered into evidence? No, they require copies of the documents to proceed as evidence…if necessary. Now if the governing body still requires tangible documents, does this mean digital signatures will ever replace printers?
Below email, how did you write a letter and send it to someone? Did you use a computer, type it out and then print it? No, you were 8 and were trying to hand-write a thank you card to grandma. =)
I’m just gonna leave this one here…are you telling me that you don’t get spam mail that you never signed up for? Didn’t think so…
By the way…I wonder what the tree count is for direct mail marketing companies?
In conclusion the answer became pretty simple. The rate that which the digital landscape is replacing on premise printing is a null question. The digital landscape can’t fully replace tangible objects because there has to be proof of somethings. At the root of the tangible thing a printer does, digital seems like a cheap trick.
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