Printing Assessments Defined

Who needs a Printing Assessment?

Printing Assessments benefit almost any company, but they’re particularly beneficial for small and medium size organizations in document-intensive and under-penetrated industries such as education, healthcare, law and finance.
We turn data into dollars for you . Here are 18 Reasons You Need a Xerox MPS Assessment.

What are Printing Assessments?

Printing Assessments gathers data and organizes it into actionable information. Printing assessments were designed as an evaluation of a customer’s printing environment. These surveys show the customer what their environment costs are on average to maintain while also giving the customer solutions for any re-balancing of devices and cost savings.  Quick Assessments, for example, might consist of:

Data Collected
Total number of devices
Breakout by make, model, serial number
Breakout by features (Color, multifunction, fax, finisher etc.)
Assumptive total costs – based on make and model

Individual printer details
Pages printed per month
Device utilization
Costs per device, including:
       Equipment Purchase
nfrastructure costs, such as phone lines, electric, help desk costs
Lease Costs

Actionable Information
Breakout Comparison
Individual Device
         Current vs Proposed (if applicable)
Model and Feature Set
         Relocation of current
         New devices to fill a need

Identify high-cost and low-cost devices based on
Cost per page
Total cost of ownership

Opportunities to re-balance, remove or replace devices
Lower cost per page
Improved utilization
Balance the number of users per device
Put color printers and MFPs where they’re needed
Improve productivity by migrating older (higher cost) devices out of the organization and re-balancing devices based on utilization
Security compliance

What comes from Printing Assessments?

Common outcomes of assessments uncover a device infrastructure illustrative of a fleet that has grown progressively, rather than by design. And one that includes a wide variety of device makes and models, posing issues for users seeking to use any advanced functions, consumables management, and excessive IT burden to support this disparate fleet.

More-detailed assessments could reveal actionable information such as:
Location of each printer in an office, plus recommendations on re-positioning printers to where they’re needed
Color printers used to print black and white documents
Expensive-to-maintain equipment
Impact on IT staffing – they must learn more types of devices to work on
Individual employees who print excessive quantities
Savings from standardizing equipment
Printer costs buried in multiple budgets and budget lines
Energy costs and carbon footprint

Looking for a new Xerox?
We have C8030/35/45/55/70 with every configuration you could want. Contact us!


ABOUT USA Copier Lease

   USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States.
We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee.
In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization assess your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to 

If you have read this far and are an IT organization looking for a Xerox Partner to pass referrals to, Contact us. We provide great incentives for copier referrals past.