How to: Scan to Email on a Versalink
Scan to Email…..LET’S GO!!! Here is our 5th guide in our Quick Start Guide for Versalinks.
If you are looking to lease a new unit, click here to be taken to our selector tool to help you choose the right model.
Here is a step by step guide we help our customers in setting up their Versalink scan to email (usually using Gmail)
Log into your Gmail account as the administrator and Allow for less secure apps.
Link on how to change account access for less secure apps.
Navigate to the Versalink’s web GUI (here’s a link on how to Navigate to the GUI)
Once you have arrived- click Connectivity
Scroll Down and Click – SMTP
Type the email address which the Xerox will use to SEND emails
Type in the SMTP server settings (we used Gmails)
Click – STARTTLS (if available)
Type in the full email address and password in the boxes
Click Okay – and you are done.
The Versalink will ask you to reboot. Say yes, and then test once it turns back on.
If you are having issues, under the connectivity settings of the IPv4 address there is a field labeled “Domain”. There needs to be something in this blank. I suggest using the domain.com of the company – example : gmail.com.
This is one of our helpful guides we have created for our series, “How To: Versalink”.
Looking for more great how to’s, click here to be taken back to the directory listing.
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USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States.
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In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization assess your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to online@usamagnum.com
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