Xerox SMart eSolutions Communication Error
Xerox Copiers and Printers can submit their meter reads directly to Xerox using an available internet connection. This is available for certain applications and certain maintenance plans. Quite often, the device is unable to communicate with the Xerox servers over the internet and displays the error message “SMart eSolutions communication error”
If you are one of our customers you don’t need to worry about this. Your meter reads are submitted via the Xerox Device Agent (XDA) that is installed on a computer in your network. So, there is no need for the devices to have SMart eSolutions enabled and showing you the annoying error. SMart eSolutions can be disabled to remove the error message.
To Disable this message:
– Open up Internet Explorer (or Chrome) and type in the IP Address of the Xerox Device
– Then click the login button at the top of the page.
– Default Username – Admin – Default Password – 1111
– Then Click the Properties Button
– Then expand General Setup
– Then SMart eSolutions
– Then Select “Not Enrolled”
– Save and Exit.
– A reboot of the device may be required to make the error message go away.
ABOUT USA Copier Lease
USA Copier Lease is an exclusive Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States. We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee.
In addition, to learn more about how USA Copier Lease can help your organization evaluate your existing copier leases or provide a quote for new copier, call (800) 893 1183 or send an email to online@usamagnum.com