XEROX – Network Time Protocol (NTP) Communication error
How to fix the NTP Communication error on your Xerox.
Here is a brief conversation that I had with one of our customers in regards the NTP communication error on their Xerox.
Hey Guys,
I keep getting this error message on both printer. I’m not sure how to fix this!
Network Time Protocol (NTP) communication error; machine time may be inaccurate. User intervention is required to verify Network Time Protocol server settings, operability, and machine time. The machine is available.
USA Copier Lease:
Hi Steve,
This usually has to do with the time being set different then the server time. Let me look into this and I’ll get back to you.
One suggestion is check the time settings in the Xerox for the correct time zone.
Thanks Guys,
I went in and corrected the time on the printers and that seems to have fixed the error!
The error was caused by the ‘times’ being different on the network devices / printers / servers. If you run into this issue. Check the time zone of the devices.
**UPDATE March 15, 2018***
A lot of people are asking about this NTP error and viewing this page.
Here is another things to check if you are still having this issue:
Check the DNS settings. You may need to add an alternate DNS entry in the Xerox settings that you know isn’t causing an error else where. Example: Google’s DNS server. This error is triggered by the Xerox and the DNS being at least 3 minutes in difference from one another.
ABOUT USA Copier Lease
USA Copier Lease is an exclusive platinum level Xerox dealer and our clients are across the United States. We can service and support your Xerox devices anywhere in the United States with a guaranteed same day / next day on-site service guarantee. Check here for your average response time.
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