How To: Configure NFC on a Xerox Versalink
Welcome! This is part 1 in our short series on Near field communication (NFC) technology and the Xerox Versalink.
If you found this page and want to know what NFC technology is used for, click here to be taken to our solution study we developed for NFC uses.
This short guide will explain how to Enable NFC technology on your Versalink. This is one of the shorter guides of the series. To be taken back to the series click here.
If you are looking for to lease a Versalink with NFC technology – here is the link to lease the copy machine online https://usacopierlease.com/product/xerox-versalink-c7020/
Near field communication (NFC) enables devices to communicate with each other when they are about 4 inches or closer. If you hold your phone to the NFC light on the Versalink, it should pop open the app. If it doesn’t – you need to read one of the Android or Apple links on how to setup.
Currently the NFC feature is supported on the Xerox® VersaLink® printers, Xerox® AltaLink® printers and a few others.
After you enable NFC to print wirelessly install the Xerox Print Services plug-in on your Android device. You can get the plug-in through the Google Play store. Make sure that you enable NFC before you enable the Plug-in features.
Here are the quick instructions, straight from the Xerox support Team, for enabling the NFC:
To enable NFC:
1 – Open Internet Explorer (not chrome)
2 – Type in the IP Address of the Printer
3 – Log into Centreware as the admin
3a – Username – Admin Password – 1111
4 – Then Click Connectivity
5 – In the Connections area, click NFC.
To enable NFC, enable the toggle button.
6 – Click OK.
To configure the device to use plugins:
1 – Click System > Plug-in Settings.
For Plug-in Feature, enable the toggle button.
2 – Click Close.
Note: For the new settings to take effect, restart your printer.
This is one of our helpful guides we have created for our series, “How To: Versalink”.
Looking for more great how to’s, click here to be taken back to the directory listing.
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